Friday 14 September 2012


Hey guys, so I bet no-one is reading this so I'm just going to be typing a mini factfile on myself, for myself. Anyways, I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time, well about 3 months. Anyways, for some reason today was the day. Sooooooooo, for the first post I thought an introduction would be best. Here goes nothing. 

My name is Sara, pronounced 'Sah-rah'.
I'm 17 years old, woooo.
I'm from zee UK, England to be precise.
I'm currently at 6th Form, studying Law, Psychology and ICT.

That was a little bit about me, now onto the blog. It's going to be just another hijab fashion blog where I'll post outfits and hauls and all that lah-di-dah, but I bet you're (yes you my non-existent readers) wondering what is going to make my blog special. Well there is one thing.. and its ME. 

On that note... You are the weakest link..

Goodbye ;)


  1. Looking foreward to reading what you have in store! Xxxx

  2. Arrghhhhh! This is so exciting! Cant wait either xxxxxx
